Friday, August 11, 2017

Feels like the first tiiiime....

Today has been the first time in two weeks I've been able to sit down with my pods and my knitting. Last month I went to CA to visit family and was there for a week, then came home to lots of catching up with life.

I have too many shows to catch up on to fit all into one post... and I'm still working out how I want this all to I'm going to break down all the episodes I want to post about into categories and then maybe by next week I'll be caught up and can get to a weekly post rundown on all my favorite episodes of the week.

The craft I am working on while listening to my pods today is my
Ten Stitch Blanket. This is my go to knit blanket pattern. It's easy mindless knitting that I can do without having to really even look at it anymore. This is my fourth Ten Stitch. I'm using some worsted acrylic I got on sale online at Michaels six months ago.. I don't even remember the name of it. I just liked the color.

This first post I'm going to break down my highs and lows and feelings about all my "Mommy Podcasts". I follow a few pods about parenting and motherhood and while I don't really dig the self-helpy aspect of a lot of these type of shows... the ones that I follow are more humor and reality than self help.

My favorite parenting/motherhood pods are One Bad Mother and For Crying Out Loud. I recently added a third show called Cold Coffee...but I'm on the fence about if I'm going to stay a subscriber. I'll get into the why's on that later.

First up for discussion is For Crying Out Loud... this show is usually either great and really funny or I'm bored out of my mind. When I first started listening to the show I was really turned off by Lynn Carollas voice. It's very nasally and can be pretty obnoxious... the more I listened the less I heard her voice and the more I heard how funny the two of the hosts are. The two episodes I listened to today were from July 28th Trolling Classic Childrens Books and August 1st It's Not Easy.

The first episode was one of the ones that just fell flat for me. Stephanie brings some "funny" bad reviews of childrens books and the ladies basically just bitch about people bitching on the internet. Meh. I mean, some of it was funny but for sure it wasn't really something that I wanted to listen to for an hour. I skipped through a lot to see if they moved on to a new topic and they didn't really...

The second episode It's Not Easy was much better. Stephanie and Lynn shared some really personal stuff about their experiences with mental illness in their families. Lynn shares about her mother and Stephanie talks about her biological father. It wasn't the funny parenting stories that we usually get but I'm glad that I listened.

One Bad Mother is my favorite parenting pod. The two hosts Biz and Theresa feel like friends, and I joined their Facebook community (and about a million sub groups lol) and I've made a lot of really genuine good friends. The core message of this show is that we are all doing a really good job. Parenting is hard and we are getting really good at this

The episode I listened to today was episode #215 Why Am I Supposed to Like That?
I love listening to the ladies talking about parenting in a really honest way. Theresa talking about being away with her kids on vacation and how un-vacation like it feels...and how happy and relaxed she was to not have her older kids with her at a baseball game.
Biz talking about splashing her kid in the face after the kid splashed her… it affirms to me that I’m not a terrible mother. Like, I don’t even have to listen to the rest of the episode at this point (but I will) because I got what I need from that one story. 

This is what I love about this pod. It’s truth and F-Bombs and there is no “this is how you should be doing it” crap from these hosts. I truly love this show.

P.S. If Theresa ever reads this... I feel you on the Sparklers. 

Third parenting podcast to talk about is Cold Coffee. I picked this up a couple weeks ago with their first episode. I follow one of the hosts Tova Leigh on Facebook and she is really funny and relatable in her video posts. 
Unfortunately I'm just not feeling like the pod lives up to what my expectation of how it was going to be. The hosts are both nice, but it feels kinda fakey to me. This episode I listened to today was about body image. It started out a good message...but then kind of broke down into one of the hosts talking about how terrible she felt at size 12 and it felt kind of counter productive to the point of the episode.... then they totally lost me when that host started talking about her first pregnancy she only gained 19lbs and totally bounced back...but then "gave up" with her second pregnancy and ate guacamole. Yuck. I don't like the food shaming, the fat shaming or the general "It's totally ok for other people to be a size 12...but not for me" attitude. I don't think I'll keep listening to this one. 
It's an unsubscribe for me. I'll definitely keep watching Tova Leigh and her videos though and if she does a pod on her own or  without this co-host I'll totally give it a shot. 
There are too many pods out there to force myself to listen to one that doesn't do it for me. 

I'll have another post tomorrow with my favorite True Crime shows so stay tuned! 

Here's my ending progress on my Ten Stitch for today...

Thursday, August 10, 2017

My Podcast Subscription List

Here is a list of all the pods that I currently subscribe to... I mostly regularly listen to all the shows that I subscribe to...although I am woefully behind on episodes right now because of a recent week-long trip to CA and the ensuing recovery period.

  • My Favorite Murder
  • One Bad Mother
  • For Crying Out Loud
  • Truth & Justice
  • Real Crime Profile
  • In the Dark
  • Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories
  • The Chief and Shawn Show
  • The Joe Rogan Experience
  • Kicking and Screaming
  • Missing Richard Simmons
  • Up and Vanished
  • Someone Knows Something
  • Ice T: Final Level
  • Henry & Heidi
  • Married vs Single: A Lovecast
  • Sword & Scale
  • S-Town
  • The Nerdist
  • Undisclosed
  • Sworn
  • Sword & Scale Rewind
  • True Crime Garage
  • RuPaul: Whats the Tee?
  • Missing Maura Murray
  • Once Upon a Crime
  • Cold Coffee
  • Wine & Crime
See? I told you I was pod obsessed...

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

My current podcast obsession...Wine&Crime!

A couple weeks ago I was scrolling through the massive catalogue of True Crime genre podcasts on iTunes and happened across Wine&Crime. Wine...and Crime? What's not to like? I started with episode 1 hoping for the best...and I wasn't disappointed in the least.

The first episode dove right into the deep end talking about Necrophilia. While obviously the topic is wicked gross...these girls made it wicked funny. Opened with some information on the history and psychology of the super ick topic and then followed by the three hosts chosen example cases... by the time I got 15 minutes in I knew that this was going to be my new obsession.

I binged three more episodes the first day and have been hitting them at a rate of about one a day until this week when I was finally caught up. That's the worst part of binging a newly discovered podcast. You get to immerse yourself in the awesome until that sad time comes when you have to *sigh* wait for a new episode each week.

Hands down my favorite thing about this podcast is the way the hosts feel like they are just friends hanging out talking and drinking. I feel like I'm right there sitting on Amanda's couch and trying to not snort wine out of my nose.

Second best thing about my new favorite show? The hilarious one liners. Fucking Patriarchy man. Fucking Patriarchy. Soon to come will be my W&C knit beanie caps and Fucking Patriarchy mug sweaters. (Probably not, I'm really not ambitious enough probably...but maybe?)

I took to Twitter to share my new fun favorite and the ladies were nice enough to recognize and reciprocate the love and responded to my @Wine&CrimePod mention. It's always nice to feel famous when someone you consider a celebrity notices you.

I absolutely recommend anyone who loves true crime and laughing (and especially if you like both at the same time) to give the show a listen. Come back and tell me what you think! I'd love to hear about your favorite episode!

Obligatory Introduction Post

Like all bloggers do, I will start this out with an introduction.

I'm Alisha. I'm a 35 year old mom of 3 living in Southern Oregon on a cattle ranch. I've been crafting as long as I can remember and I started listening to podcasts while working on my crafts a few years ago when I was introduced to it by a friend as an alternative to listening to my favorite shows on Netflix while knitting. Now I am a full blown junkie. Everywhere I go, I'm listening to a podcast. In the car, in my favorite chair, while doing get the picture.

This blog will be mostly me talking about my favorite podcast episodes I've listened to, and sharing what craft projects I'm working on. Eventually I hope to turn this into an actual podcast (yep, a podcast about podcasts!) so I hope to keep this blog going to support the material we cover on the pod.

I welcome any suggestions for new podcasts and definitely welcome any questions about the crafts I'll share. I'm not an expert, but I will always do my best to help a fellow crafter.

If you ever have a suggestion, a question or a comment... you can email

Feels like the first tiiiime....

Today has been the first time in two weeks I've been able to sit down with my pods and my knitting. Last month I went to CA to visit f...