Wednesday, August 9, 2017

My current podcast obsession...Wine&Crime!

A couple weeks ago I was scrolling through the massive catalogue of True Crime genre podcasts on iTunes and happened across Wine&Crime. Wine...and Crime? What's not to like? I started with episode 1 hoping for the best...and I wasn't disappointed in the least.

The first episode dove right into the deep end talking about Necrophilia. While obviously the topic is wicked gross...these girls made it wicked funny. Opened with some information on the history and psychology of the super ick topic and then followed by the three hosts chosen example cases... by the time I got 15 minutes in I knew that this was going to be my new obsession.

I binged three more episodes the first day and have been hitting them at a rate of about one a day until this week when I was finally caught up. That's the worst part of binging a newly discovered podcast. You get to immerse yourself in the awesome until that sad time comes when you have to *sigh* wait for a new episode each week.

Hands down my favorite thing about this podcast is the way the hosts feel like they are just friends hanging out talking and drinking. I feel like I'm right there sitting on Amanda's couch and trying to not snort wine out of my nose.

Second best thing about my new favorite show? The hilarious one liners. Fucking Patriarchy man. Fucking Patriarchy. Soon to come will be my W&C knit beanie caps and Fucking Patriarchy mug sweaters. (Probably not, I'm really not ambitious enough probably...but maybe?)

I took to Twitter to share my new fun favorite and the ladies were nice enough to recognize and reciprocate the love and responded to my @Wine&CrimePod mention. It's always nice to feel famous when someone you consider a celebrity notices you.

I absolutely recommend anyone who loves true crime and laughing (and especially if you like both at the same time) to give the show a listen. Come back and tell me what you think! I'd love to hear about your favorite episode!

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